Knitting has been enjoying a surge of popularity since the early 2000s, driven mostly by young women in the United States. From 2002 - 2008, for example, women aged 22 - 35 pushed a 150% increase in demand for knitting social groups and workshops.
Of course, we're well past the point where hand knitting is any sort of major force in clothing or textile production... so what is driving the renewed interest in knitting?
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Once a project is finished, you'll have a practical piece of clothing or textile in hand. You can physically hold and appreciate the stitch work you've done and then put it to work! A well liked pair of socks, for example, are something you can wear around for months.
As knitting makes its transition from industry to hobby, expect to see many fresh faces in your knitting circles and, please, be sure to give them a warm welcome into our world.
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